



この人道的に見過ごすことのできない状況に対し、JVCと東エルサレムでの活動を共に続けてきた現地NGO「パレスチナ医療救援協会(PMRS)」が即時報告をリリースしました。 5月14日付で届いたその報告内容をご紹介したいと思います。




The Palestinian Medical Relief Society (パレスチナ医療救援協会、PMRS)は、ガザ地区と西岸地区の民間人に対し継続して行われているイスラエルの攻撃を最も強い言葉で非難する。この発表の時点で、ガザの保健省は55人の死者(うち少なくとも7人が子ども)、2,700人以上の負傷者(うち少なくとも770人が実弾で負傷、多数が危篤状態)が出たと報告している。事態はまだ広がっており、死傷者数は増え続けていくだろう。




翻訳:パレスチナ事業ボランティア 本田




Ramallah, 14 May 2018

The Palestinian Medical Relief Society (PMRS) condemns in strongest terms the ongoing Israeli assault on civilians in Gaza and in the West Bank. At the time of this statement, the Ministry of Health in Gaza reports 55 fatalities including at least 7 children, and over 2,700 injured, including at least 770 from live fire, dozens of them in critical condition. The death toll and number injuries are likely to continue to rise as the situation is still unfolding.

Since the end of March, Israel has repeatedly violated all basic principles of international law regarding the use of force against civilians and blatantly ignored international and internal calls for an end to the use of live lethal ammunition against unarmed protesters. On the contrary, Israeli officials including army generals have publicly stood by the decision to kill civilians who participated in peaceful protests and strong suspicion has been raised by human rights organizations, including Amnesty International, that orders were given to soldiers to shoot to maim. Children, disabled persons, journalists, first aid responders and medical personnel have been indiscriminately targeted and killed in complete violations of humanitarian law and any basic sense of humanity.

Meanwhile, as civilians were being shot by Israeli snipers in Gaza, the United States and its allies celebrated the embassy move in Jerusalem and Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu boasted about Israeli soldiers "defending the border as we speak".

As the death toll continues to increase in Gaza and tensions throughout the West Bank and Jerusalem run high, PMRS calls on its partners and on international leaders to demand that Israel put an immediate stop to its unlawful use of force and be held accountable for its actions. Nobody should remain silent while this horrible massacre continues against peaceful civilians.





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